The company Gianplast s.r.l., with decree dated 16.12.2022, was funded to “Promote the overcoming of the effects of the crisis in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and its social consequences and to prepare for a green, digital, and resilient economic recovery”, with the unique project code C25H22002120008, funded within the scope of the Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
With this investment, the company Gianplast s.r.l. had the opportunity to expand its corporate production capacity through the purchase of certain machinery useful for its operations. This investment was instrumental in increasing the corporate production capacity and accelerating its existing production processes within the company. Additionally, all this was aimed at improving the performance of its products, through the increase in efficiency and flexibility in carrying out its economic activities. The purchased machinery, combined with the machinery already owned by the company, will enable an increase in production capacity and a reduction in time and production costs. The machinery has significantly impacted the level of corporate automation. All this has improved the health and safety conditions of the workforce, as well as the possibility of reducing production waste, with a non-negligible impact on the environment. Such machinery almost completely eliminates the possibility of human error, practically reducing it to zero when it comes to producing previously manufactured parts.
From a thorough analysis of the investments made by the company GIANPLAST S.R.L., it is possible to highlight how they have been implemented to achieve a dual objective, namely of a productive and energetic nature.
Through the acquisition of extruders and metal detectors, the company has the possibility of improving its production capacity, undoubtedly reducing the completion times of production processes, with a subsequent impact on productivity and consequently on revenue. On the other hand, through the purchase of solar panels, the company estimates a cost reduction of approximately 30% compared to previous years.